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Wilmer Valderrama Turns a Garage into a Guest Suite for His Best Friend

January 04, 2023
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Wilmer Valderrama celebrates a friendship 20-years strong. With help from the Property Brothers, he transforms a two-car garage into a multi-purpose living space on Celebrity IOU.

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Transforming a Garage Into a Finished, Functional Retreat

Tadao — the former roommate, security guard and “brother” of actor Wilmer Valderrama comes from a Polynesian family that moved to Los Angeles more than 45 years ago. For decades, Tadao's family home has been a haven for loved ones visiting from Samoa. Upon the recent passing of his brother and both of his parents, Tadao and his seven siblings realized their home no longer had the room for everyone they wished to host. The answer: Renovating the home's two-car garage into a space for guests. “This is a game-changing opportunity,” said Property Brothers Drew and Jonathan Scott. During this episode of Celebrity IOU, Wilmer and the bros worked together to transform the garage into a finished apartment honoring Tadao's faith and culture.


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Before: The Garage

The former two-car garage offered plenty of space for guests and overflow space for the family, but Tadao knew a much larger renovation would be required to address hanging wires, falling insulation and a cracked concrete slab.

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Photo: DENNYS ILIC. From: Jonathan Scott and Drew Scott.
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After: The Living Room

The now spacious living area (with a revamped floor plan) features a channeled leather sofa, a modern coffee table and ample storage for clothes and luggage. The bros reinstalled the washer and dryer out of sight in a new closet. They also lofted the ceiling to make the garage feel open and airy. A frosted glass door lets in natural light, while LED recessed lights and woven pendants add extra brightness. Wilmer opted for a neutral color palette throughout the entire space so the family could continue to add their own touches as it evolved.

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Photo: DENNYS ILIC. From: Jonathan Scott and Drew Scott.
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After: The Bathroom

The Polynesian-inspired full bathroom features texture-rich tile and a teak wood vanity. A round mirror and bright sconces create a cozy, modern feel. Gray-marbled floor tile grounds the space, while white-textured wall tile adds subtle contrast and depth.

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