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Step Inside the 'Ugliest House In America' Season 5 Home Makeover

In Season 5 of HGTV's Ugliest House in America, actress and comedian Retta once again goes in search of just what that show title would suggest — and rest assured, she finds it.

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Ugliest House in America — 2024 Edition

Ordinarily at HGTV, we specialize in beautiful, skillfully designed spaces and inspiring homes. But when it comes to the Ugliest House in America, it's all about seeking out and celebrating "ugly" — then fixing it. During Season 5, Retta traveled across the United States looking for the most unattractive, dysfunctional and bizarre homes. She found what she was looking for in a St. Cloud, Minnesota, home, which featured a patchwork of strange design, weird construction and questionable color choices.

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First Impressions

Then Retta enlisted the assistance of Alison Victoria, host of HGTV's Windy City Rehab, to undertake a bold and ambitious $150,000 makeover of the off-kilter home. Fear not: We'll get around to beautiful pictures and captivating spaces eventually, but first, get ready to feast your eyes on some seriously egregious design don'ts and certifiable top-shelf ugliness. Here, Alison and Retta survey the kitchen and other interiors at this year's prizewinner before renovations begin. So, how ugly can one house get? We'll show you.

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Joe and Jack's Amazing Technicolor Nightmare

Prior to the renovation, Alison and Retta met with homeowners Joe and Jack (L to R) to review some of the house's many offending attributes. Jack and Joe bought the house sight-unseen for the asking price of $250,000. They were looking for a home that stood out in the neighborhood, and the distinct and unique exterior appealed to them. Once they got ready to move in and saw the interiors — buyers' remorse began to set in.

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Before: An Eye-Catching Exterior

Joe and Jack's 2,017-square-foot home was built in 1940. Though it boasts attractive twin turrets, the structure is built almost entirely out of cinder blocks — and soon became known in the neighborhood as "the concrete bunker." (Or simply as "that weird house.") The exterior paint color was left over from the previous owners. Is it teal, aqua, turquoise or mint? We're not certain.

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