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This Tiny European-Inspired Home Is Actually Located in Georgia

February 22, 2021

A tiny home village is the newest addition to a planned community for the creative industry.

Photo: A.J. Parker
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Tiny Home With Big Features

Trilith is not your typical planned community. Based in Fayetteville, Georgia, this live/work development still under construction revolves around Trilith Studios, a film studio known for producing Marvel movies under its former name of Pinewood Atlanta Studios. As such, Trilith is targeting the creative community to move onto its 235-acre residential campus consisting of one-of-a-kind homes, from the traditionally sized to tiny ones, like this European-style micro cottage dubbed Folklore.

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Photo: Shauna Galligan
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The Folklore Story

Screenwriter and entrepreneur Michael Albanese and his wife Wynn Everett, an actress, moved to Trilith in July 2018 from Los Angeles with their two young daughters. He felt drawn to the new community's creative concept, and wanted to help pioneer it. Part of that process involved building a tiny cottage to use as a rental property. (They live nearby in a bigger home they built.) Michael learned of plans to develop a European-themed micro village at Trilith, which resonated both with his prior experiences of living in small spaces in New York and LA, and his Italian heritage. "My inspiration for the Folklore Cottage was Bob Dylan meets Tuscany," he explains.

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Photo: A.J. Parker
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Home Away From Home

For the interior, Michael turned to his mother-in-law Avis Everett of Avis Everett Interiors. He combined his eclectic style with her traditional approach, resulting in an environment that's meant to appeal to the creative set, i.e., renters coming from New York and LA to work on a film at Trilith's studio. At the same time, Michael wanted the space to feel homey, warm and comfortable. "Sometimes rental properties, or even second homes, can feel either too modern ... or they feel too corporate," he says. "But I really wanted to create something that felt like home for however long people were staying there, whether overnight guests or a long-term rental."

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Photo: A.J. Parker
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Intentional Design

The home is a compact 556 square feet, but Brett Baker, Trilith's director of residential construction, incorporated feedback he received after building Trilith's first micro village in order to further maximize the space. "I wanted to have all the conveniences of any other home here," he says. For example, the new units feature full-size fridges and ovens. The dishwasher is compact, but still feels like a luxury appliance considering the space constraints. Michael added touches such as the high-end coffeemaker in the corner, along with a bag of local beans, reflecting his love of coffee and hope of one day opening a coffeeshop in Trilith. The total 935-acre community will eventually include retail, restaurants, a movie theater and 18,000-square-foot soundstage, with the idea that everything will be within walking distance for residents.

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