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Check Out the Wackiest Homes From HGTV's 'Zillow Gone Wild'

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In Zillow Gone Wild, Jack McBrayer heads around the US to see the most out-of-the-box homes on the market. Let's see how crazy they can get, shall we?

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Zillow Gone Wild

Actor and comedian Jack McBrayer's wacky humor landed him roles in shows and movies like 30 Rock, The Middle, Forgetting Sarah Marshall and Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby. Now, he's at the helm of a new HGTV show, Zillow Gone Wild, which is based on the ultra-viral Instagram account of the same name created by Samir Mezrahi. Throughout the series, Jack tours outrageous homes across America in an attempt to find the wildest one of them all. "You know you've done it, alone, at night, scrolling and scrolling looking for that one, perfect ... real estate listing," Jack teases to kickstart every episode. Here, check out the houses from Season 1.

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The Missile Silo House

When Jack approached the address of the Missile Silo House in a cornfield in York, Nebraska, he thought maybe he was in the wrong place — there was no noticeable home in sight. Turns out, it's underground. Down the steps, 50 feet below ground, Jack was met with a one-bedroom, one-bathroom, 1,256-square-foot abode — listed for $750,000. The structure, which features 9-foot-thick walls, was built in 1960 during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Since it was pretty unlivable, Andrew, the buyer (and now seller) spent $150,000 renovating it.

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The Snow White Cottage

The Snow White Cottage, located in Hollywood, California, is said to be the real-life inspiration for the famous fairytale. After three months on the market, the two-bed, two-bath, 1,026-square-foot home sold to the current owner for $1.1 million — $50,000 under the asking price. One of the most striking characteristics of the idyllic, French Art Nouveau structure is its scaled-down features. The quaint windows, banisters, bridges and moats add extra whimsy throughout the home. "It might not be up to code," Jack joked after hobbling up the tiny stairs. "I'm not going to tell."

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The Motor Lodge House

Jack headed to Las Vegas to explore The Motor Lodge, a vintage automotive wonderland listed at $2.5 million. The three-bed, three-bath, 3,038-square-foot home resembles a real-life set of what you'd see in the animated movie Cars. As if the home's exterior isn't impressive enough with its many cars on display, the interior features seemingly endless motor memorabilia, including 20 desert motorcycles, framed vintage car art, antique license plates, retro cars, gas station signs and more. "Steve is a fascinating human being — he's clearly a collector, but he's also an artist. Everything is done so thoughtfully," said Jack.

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