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The 15 Best DIY Bathroom Projects

You don't have to completely overhaul your bathroom to make a big impact. Check out these fresh ideas, from tiny swaps to easy projects, that will increase your home value.

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Photo: Jennifer Boomer/Verbatim Photo A. From: Fixer Upper.
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Replace the Tub With a Walk-In Shower

If you have a large bathtub that doesn't get used much, replace it with a walk-in shower. Not only will it look more luxurious, it's more practical. And a simple, clear glass partition will make the room feel bigger.

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Photo: Jennifer Boomer/Verbatim Photo Agency. From: Fixer Upper.
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Change the Lights

New lighting can give an old room a fresh look. New pendants in front of the mirror will reflect light around the room and make the space brighter. A hanging fixture or chandelier above the tub or in the center of the room can add a spark of personality.

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Photo: ERICA GEORGE DINES. From: Mark Williams.
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Re-Tile the Shower

Re-tiling a shower is a great way to take a dated bathroom into the 21st century without making any structural changes. You can't go wrong with classic white subway tile or luxe white marble. On a budget? You may be able to find some bargains at salvage yards or online resale communities such as Craigslist or Facebook Marketplace.

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Photo: Design 4 Corners. From: Design 4 Corners.
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Tile the Walls

Tile isn’t just for the shower. A wall of tile behind the vanity looks super chic, and it’s easy to clean! White subway tile is a timeless choice, but if you want something more trendy, try hexagons for a chic honeycomb look.

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