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Graceful, Formal Geometry in Minneapolis Lakefront Garden

Elegant, symmetrical flagstone and plantings, fanciful statues and manicured courtyards combine to create an immersive fairy tale in this dreamy garden. Hedges and lawns are trimmed to echo the gracious sweep of reflecting pools and patios, and the overall effect is positively transporting.

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Photo: Jon Huelskamp, Landmark Photo Design. From: Windsor Companies.

Reflecting Pool in Formal Garden

One almost expects to see Alice and the White Rabbit dashing across the lawns of this grand formal garden. Here, a reflecting pool is shaded by rows of trees.

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Photo: Jon Huelskamp, Landmark Photo Design. From: Windsor Companies.

Snail Fountain and Pool

You never know who you might bump into strolling around this beautiful formal garden. Tall hedges add a sense of mystery.

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Photo: Jon Huelskamp, Landmark Photo Design. From: Windsor Companies.

Reflecting Pool and Enclosed Garden

The garden's careful symmetry—in the bluestone paths, boxwood hedges, statuary and plantings—gives out an ordered sense of calm.

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Photo: Jon Huelskamp, Landmark Photo Design. From: Windsor Companies.

Lakefront Parterre Garden

A parterre garden dotted with statues also comes with sweeping lake views.

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