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Polly Pocket's Life-Size Compact

Airbnb has re-created Polly Pocket's compact into a life-size house. Yes, 90s kids, you read that right - this pad even comes complete with gummy clothes and accessories.

Photo: Juan Navarro Above Summit, Airbnb
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Polly Pocket Slumber Party Fun Compact Overview

Polly Pocket's Slumber Party Fun Compact has been sized up for you to explore and play. In Littleton, Massachusetts, visitors can live life for a day (and night) Polly Pocket style.

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Photo: Kelsey McClellan, Airbnb
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Pink Polly Pocket Kitchen and Vanity

Made to be identical to Polly Pocket's Compact, the big version also features a kitchen (look inside the fridge for Polly-approved snacks) and a dressing area.

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Photo: Kelsey McClellan, Airbnb
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Polly Pocket Kitchen With Big Blue Fridge

Inside the giant fridge, visitors will find all the Ring Pops, Push Pops, and Baby Bottle Pops a slumber party could need.

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Photo: Kelsey McClellan, Airbnb
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Polly Pocket Living Room With Blue TV

Kick back in Polly Pocket's living room. The TV actually works (press play on a movie via a 90s-era video cassette). The sofa pulls out into a bed. And you can grab snacks from the kitchen upstairs.

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