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Lakeside Cottage With Vintage European Farmhouse Charm

Boasting picture-perfect porch views of North Carolina's Lake Santeetlah, this open-plan waterfront home features Old World details like rough-hewn exposed ceiling beams, lovingly-collected antiques and cozy, ornate vintage rugs. Best of all, the first-floor deck goes right down to the water.

Photo: Lauren Rubinstein. From: Kandrac & Kole Interior Designs, Inc..
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Country Cottage With Yellow Front Door

The lemon yellow front door sings out a cheery welcome to residents and guests arriving at this lakeside cottage in North Carolina. Its owners loved its abundance of natural light, open living space, plenty of parking and easy walk to the water.

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Photo: Lauren Rubinstein. From: Kandrac & Kole Interior Designs, Inc..
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Neutral Country Kitchen With Cutting Board Art

The designers scoured flea markets and antique stores to find the European cutting boards that make a whimsical gallery in the kitchen.

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Photo: Lauren Rubinstein. From: Kandrac & Kole Interior Designs, Inc..
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Country Open-Plan Kitchen With Exposed Beams

Underneath the original kitchen ceiling, the designer discovered that the ceiling was actually vaulted. Beams were added to help the space feel warm and dramatic.

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Photo: Lauren Rubinstein. From: Kandrac & Kole Interior Designs, Inc..
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Bar Cart and Antlers

Antlers deliver rustic flair over a vintage bar cart. The room's curtains have a bright, fun botanical print.

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