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Simple Living Room Layout Ideas

Living rooms come in all shapes and sizes. Here, we gathered some of the best tips for arranging a living room so that it is both beautiful and functional.

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Living Room Furniture Layout Ideas

A living room is a space where we do just that — live. From a conversation area at a dinner party to a cozy place to curl up and watch a movie, our living rooms wear a lot of hats. That versatility can make it challenging to know how to arrange a living room in order to maximize its utility. To help, we've gathered some easy living room layout ideas that work around common roadblocks.

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1. Maximize Your Square Footage

There's a lot to keep in mind when arranging a living room, but one of the most important things is to make the most of whatever square footage you have. A sofa table, positioned behind the couch, will allow for extra storage and two club chairs on an angle across from the sofa allows for conducive conversation.

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Photo: Emily Minton Redfield. From: Andrea Schumacher.
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With a Sofa Table and Club Chairs

When purchasing pieces for a living room, be sure to keep proportion in mind. Select tasteful pieces that fit within the dimensions of your room with plenty of space to walk around them.

See More Furniture Arrangement Tips

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2. Create a Casual Yet Elegant Arrangement

Matching armchairs positioned across from one another with a sofa along the walls and small coffee table in the center creates an intimate seating area that allows for movie watching or conversing with friends. This method works in both large or small living rooms.

See These Ways to Make Your Living Room Cozy

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