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Breezy Jersey Shore Beach House Revamp

Inspired by Moroccan tile, floral wallpaper and shaker kitchens, this home is flipped from a dated and dark design to a bold, bright beach home for the whole family. Just steps from the shore, the outdoor living spaces wow just the same as the interior.

Photo: Nicole Cohen, Monmouth Custom Builders. From: Nicole Cohen Art + Design.
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This Vibrant Kitchen Is the Star of the Home

There's no doubt that the renovated kitchen is the star of the home. From the stunning marble backsplash and matching countertops to the vibrant floor tile and natural wood beams, this "after" is truly shocking. Adjacent to the kitchen, the dinette features a terrazzo table that Designer Nicole Cohen crafted herself.

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Before: Cramped Kitchen With Dated Features

Although eventually, the kitchen would showcase a variety of materials and pops of color, prior to the renovation, the kitchen was dark and filled with dated features and bulky cabinets.

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Photo: Nicole Cohen, Monmouth Custom Builders. From: Nicole Cohen Art + Design.
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This Vibrant Kitchen Is the Star of the Home

There's no doubt that the renovated kitchen is the star of the home. From the stunning marble backsplash and matching countertops to the vibrant floor tile and natural wood beams, this "after" is truly shocking. Adjacent to the kitchen, the dinette features a terrazzo table that Designer Nicole Cohen crafted herself.

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Before: Dark Dining Nook With Large Window

The designers were set on turning this dark dining nook into a colorful space the whole family could enjoy.

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