Jasmine Roth Talks Shop, Motherhood and Moving to Utah
The Help! I Wrecked My House star is facing a ton of big changes. She sat down with HGTV to chat about ... well, everything.

Rob Pryce
Jasmine Roth as seen on Help! I Wrecked My House Season 4.
Jasmine Roth is always up to something, and right now is no exception. Currently, she's in the midst of moving her family from Huntington Beach, California, to Park City, Utah, which requires selling her California dream home and remodeling a new home in Park City. She's doing all of this while carrying baby Roth No. 2 and celebrating the renewal of her HGTV show Help! I Wrecked My House (Season 5, here Jasmine comes).
With little time to spare, she hopped on a Zoom call with HGTV, tuning in from the cozy space she and her husband, Brett Roth, have been renting in Utah. It's where they're staying during this limbo period.
Two days earlier, she took a 2 a.m. flight from California to Utah to check on the construction site that will become her future home by the end of this year — but during our interview, Jasmine is excited and energetic. She opens up about being a working mom in a male-dominated industry, why she and her husband are leaving California for Utah, and how she feels about having another daughter. Of course, she shares covert insight on where her design style is headed, a few of plans for her Utah home and what's in store for the fifth season of her show.

Nick Agro
Jasmine Roth and her daughter, Hazel, as seen on Help! I Wrecked My House Season 4.
HGTV In Conversation With Jasmine Roth
On Leaving California for Utah
Though she was raised on the East Coast, Jasmine swiftly assumed the identity of a West Coaster when she moved to California in 2008. Life in Huntington Beach is all she and her expanding family of three have known. So, it's a bittersweet goodbye for the Roths, who admit they have “all the feels” about exiting their world in California — though they can't wait to experience Utah year-round. They're leaving behind a tight network of friends and family, as well as their beloved custom-built home. Jasmine has sprinkled lots of love into the house over the years: Each space is creative, functional, toddler-proof and, of course, classic SoCal cool.
Jasmine and Brett knew it was time to make an official move to Park City when they realized how often they visit. The place has a special spot in their hearts. It's where they got married in 2013 and, two years later, bought and renovated a vacation home for their family. "We're excited to lean into the community,” Jasmine says of the move. She’s most looking forward to connecting with nature, experiencing all four seasons and having a little more "room to breathe."
On Her New Home in Utah
Currently, Jasmine is remodeling their next home — which is "cut into the side of [Park City] mountain" in Old Town Park City. "I'll let the views do the talking," Jasmine says.
When we ask Jasmine if she can give us any spoilers about what the new house might look like, she smiles. "The structure sits on an already magnificent mountainous lot," she says. "I plan to play into the surrounding nature and unique layout of the floor plan by utilizing a more neutral color palette."
In classic Jasmine fashion, though, we can definitely expect pops of color and uber-creative and functional designs. In fact, Jasmine reveals the range in her kitchen will be an incredible shade of red. "Kitchens are a great place to add character," she says. Another colorful moment involves her living room fireplace: The surround is studded with salmon-colored travertine tile.

Rob Pryce
Jasmine gets to work while filming Help! I Wrecked My House Season 4.
The best news? "Hazel won't lose her [loft] net," says Jasmine, referring to an extra-sturdy net that stretches across Hazel's room a few feet below the ceiling, allowing the whole family to "float" above the ground and relax together. (Engineered by professionals, the net can hold up to 2,000 pounds!). Fans of the loft net will be relieved to hear it's making the move to Utah, too.
While the renovations for the new home are not complete, Jasmine hopes to have them done before the new baby arrives. Despite her due-date rapidly creeping up, Jasmine seems calm. She’s a big-time planner and knew this would be a crunch, but she also knows it will get done.
On Moving Her Show to Utah
Jasmine and her growing family aren't the only ones off to Utah. Season 5 of Help! I Wrecked My House will also be settling down in Park City. Jasmine has big plans for Season 5.
"Obviously, the show is no longer in Southern California," Jasmine says. "SoCal is a different planet regarding design needs." Unlike California, Utah has all four seasons, which means designing mud rooms and basements — and learning how to build in snow. "There are snowball fights in my future," she says.
Another Season 5 surprise? Though Jasmine will always maintain the essence of her casual SoCal style, she's planning on leaning into an altogether different ambiance. "Luxury lodge" is the newest look on her mind: "Kind of glam, kind of rustic, always stunning." She also hopes to create more indoor-outdoor living areas that function any time of year.
On Pregnancy
With her due date approaching, Jasmine is feeling "as ready as you can be" about welcoming her second daughter into the world. She had her first daughter Hazel one month into the pandemic (April 2020) and is thrilled to give her a sibling.
"My daughter doesn't know anything different. She doesn't know most builders are men," says Jasmine.
Jasmine, who has two siblings, cherishes her connection with them. Hazel is ready for a sibling, too, it seems: "She walks up and kisses my belly, collects toys and snacks for her future sister and talks about her future sister."
She was 36 when Hazel was born and will be 40 this October. "Your body is different at 40. This experience has been and will continue to be different," Jasmine says, careful to add, "not better and not worse — just different."
Jasmine and Brett were intentional about waiting to have children. She speaks about navigating her career, marriage and motherhood in a satisfied way. "Parenting is hard no matter when you do it," she explains. "I feel confident and happy with our decision to wait."
In 2012, she quit her corporate job to pursue contracting and home design full time. Of course, we know the rest of the story. "My career choices have been a lot easier because of [HGTV's] support," Jasmine says.
On Being a Woman in a Predominantly Male Field
Often, children learn by example, and Jasmine is setting a good one: "My daughter doesn't know anything different. She doesn't know most builders are men."
Her heart is set on being a good role model for Hazel, but also for all the women and girls who tune in to her show. "Anyone can be in the homebuilding space," Jasmine says. "If you're a skilled, dedicated and hard worker, you'll find your way."

Rob Pryce
Jasmine Roth and her contractor Scott Cross take measurements.
She wants to show Hazel she, too, can love what she does, whatever it is. "She just needs to follow her heart," Jasmine says, patiently waiting for the arrival of her second daughter, at peace and ready for the next chapter of her life.
More From Jasmine Roth
Keep up with the Help! I Wrecked My House host.