How to Make Whimsical Pink and Teal Christmas Garland

See how we gave plain greenery a unique look with the addition of soft hues like blush and aqua. Plus, learn the best way to install garland on a staircase or banister.

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This year, dare to break away from conventional Christmas color schemes and embrace a fresh holiday look with pink and teal. Begin with lush greenery to create a vibrant and natural foundation. Then introduce delicate pink florals to add a touch of romance and whimsy. Bold, metallic teal ornaments give the finished garland an unforgettable look.

Photo by: Jessyca Williams

Jessyca Williams

1. Lay the Foundation

Twist garland ties around the basic garland to hang it from the banister. (These wired ties are covered with artificial needles, so they stay hidden.) Fluff the greens to make them look as full as possible. Then, hang teal ornaments from the garland, using ornament hooks and garland ties to create varying lengths.

2. Embellish the Garland

Add the greenery picks to the garland, using the longer pinecone picks at the edges. Fill in the middle with the shorter pine picks, wrapping the wired garland around the picks to hold them in place. Tuck in the eucalyptus along the top, and allow a few pieces to hang down in the front.

3. Add Color

Add pops of pink all around with the floral picks. (Space them evenly to infuse color throughout.) Next, give the garland some sparkle with the iced branch picks. Fill in any gaps with pieces of the remaining greenery. Finally, hang pink bows from the garland, leaving the tails long for a relaxed feel.

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