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How to Design a Small Bedroom

Designing a small bedroom can be overwhelming and downright frustrating, but it doesn't have to be. Check out our favorite designer tips and tricks, and see which solutions work best for your small space.

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Photo: Lauren Louise. From: Kerra Michele Huerta.
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Big Style for Your Small Bedroom

You may consider your small bedroom a curse, but we’re here to challenge that. Instead of focusing on the drawbacks, think of the positives. For example, in a small space, a little decorating goes a long way, meaning you can afford to spend money on the items you really love and make it your happy place. So, here are 30+ ways to make the most of your tiny bedroom.

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Photo: Bethany Nauert
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Use Accessories as Decor

Short on storage space? Think of clever ways to work your accessories in as decor pieces. Hats make for unique wall hangings, and your jewelry is like tiny pieces of art anyway, so why hide it? Style the blank space above your bed with some of our top ideas, below.

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Photo: Jessica Alexander
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Install Horizontal Planks to Emphasize Width

Smart design in small spaces is all about visual trickery. If you want a room to feel wider than it is, install some horizontal planking on one or more of the walls. We promise you'll be shocked at the results. Shiplap your way to greatness with our step-by-step guide to DIY shiplap, below.


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Photo: Twist Tours. From: Turnstyle Interior Design.
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Then, Emphasize Height With a Tall Bed

The vertical space above your bed is more or less wasted, so why not use it to your advantage? A tall, slender canopy bed like this will draw attention to your room's height, making it look infinitely taller. Use it to emphasize high ceilings or make low ceilings look a little higher than they are. Raise the roof with a few of our favorite looks, below.

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