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How to Create a Beautiful Plate Wall Design

Looking to add a sophisticated plate wall design to your home? Interior designer Maggie Griffin shares 7 tips with us on how to achieve this elegant design in your own home.

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Plate Wall Designs

Creating a plate wall design in your home adds dimension to the walls and allows you to showcase your fine china in a totally different way. Check out the seven tips designer Maggie Griffin shares that will have you ready to recreate this traditional, with a twist, design idea.

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Photo: Brian Bieder. From: Maggie Griffin.
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Start With What You Have

Maggie's first tip? Start with what you have. "So many of us already have beautiful pieces in our homes, whether it’s wedding china or antiques that have been passed down from family members. If you don’t have any, start by flipping through shelter magazines or searching the internet for inspiration before shopping."

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Pick a Wall

She explains, "in my home, I have plates mixed into a gallery wall in my den, over a window in my kitchen, and around the TV — the options are endless. Plates work great on a backsplash in the kitchen, around a mirror, and even above a bed. Get creative and have some fun with it!"

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Photo: Alexandra Haynes. From: Maggie Griffin.
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Don't Shop Too Seriously

"The hunt for pieces is one of the best parts of this process, so if you don’t already have your plates, no sweat! Don’t try to rush the search, just wait it out until you find all the right pieces. And let me be the first to tell you that there’s no need to splurge on antiques (unless you want to). We’ve found some great finds from Anthropologie and Target," she says.

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