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House Tours: David Bromstad's True Colors

By: Laurie Sandell

David Bromstad, host of Color Splash, lives in a cool place full of — you guessed it — bold colors! HGTV Magazine invites you to take a tour of his one-of-a-kind Miami condo and its colorful decor.

Photo: Photography by Jonny Valiant; styling by Heather Chontos. From: HGTV Magazine.
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Mr. Color Splash

David Bromstad can often be found transforming bland rooms into colorful, energy-filled spaces on Color Splash. Find out how Mr. Color Splash himself livened up his vibrant Miami condo.

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Photo: Jonny Valiant; styling by Heather Chontos. From: HGTV Magazine.
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It's OK to Have a Design Do-Over

"When I first moved in, I tried to create a whole 'Mr. Color Splash' look. I painted the living room walls turquoise and put an orange cover on the couch with red pillows. Then I stopped, looked around and said, 'I can’t live like this.' It was the ugliest thing I'd ever done. So I returned 80 percent of the stuff I bought, painted the room white and added some 'Mr. Color Splash' touches."

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Photo: Jonny Valiant; styling by Heather Chontos. From: HGTV Magazine.
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Star of the Room

"The OPEN sign is from a movie prop house ( has great vintage props, too), and it lights up from both sides. My boyfriend and I have to get the bulbs from Germany because they don't make them here anymore. At night, with it on, the whole place glows."

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Photo: Jonny Valiant; styling by Heather Chontos. From: HGTV Magazine.
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Raise the Roof

"The ceilings in this room are low, not even eight feet. I needed something to give the impression of height, and the wide horizontal stripes on these silk curtains did the trick. They make a big, bold statement, but they look timeless because of the classic color combo."

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