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The Most Beautiful Spaces From 'Home Town Takeover' Season 2

Updated on May 03, 2023
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Erin and Ben Napier, alongside Dave and Jenny Marrs and a bevy of other HGTV stars, transformed the small town of Fort Morgan, Colorado.

Photo: Erik Voake / Getty Images
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Take Two!

Following the success of the Season 1 of Home Town Takeover, which took place in Wetumpka, Alabama, Erin and Ben Napier (Home Town) — alongside Jenny and Dave Marrs (Fixer to Fabulous) — set their sights on the next small town in America in need of their help.

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Photo: Erik Voake / Getty Images
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Fort Morgan, Colorado — Help Has Arrived

The team landed landed on Fort Morgan, Colorado, a town an hour east of Denver that roughly 11,000 residents call home.

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Photo: Erik Voake / Getty Images
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Dave and Jenny Marrs Come Along for the Ride

Knowing how time-consuming a town-wide renovation can be, Erin and Ben brought Dave and Jenny along for the ride. "The Marrs are small business owners like us who understand the challenges small-town America faces," Erin said.

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Photo: Erik Voake / Getty Images
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The Overall Goal

In an effort to spread town pride, the Marrs and the Napiers set out to complete 18 projects in just four months. Dave and Jenny planned to renovate six houses for community leaders and six businesses, while Erin and Ben opted to take on six community projects. Speaking of community projects, the Napiers, Jonathan Knight (Farmhouse Fixer) and muralist Randolph Torres of Box of Monsters Art transformed what was a bare white wall on Main Street into a stunning ode to agricultural life in Fort Morgan.

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