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Guest Bathroom Pictures From HGTV Urban Oasis 2021

By: Jessica Lowry Vizzutti

A bold and dramatic guest bathroom combines urban elegance and a black monochromatic color palette for a stylish and scintillating space that evokes seventies glamour with a modern sensibility.

Photo: Robert Peterson: Rustic White Photography. From: Brian Patrick Flynn.
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Show-Stopping Vanity

Striking black tile is the backdrop for an industrial marble-topped vanity, ebony toilet and tub, original modern artwork and chrome accessories in this dramatic guest bathroom at HGTV Urban Oasis 2021. The industrial-style vanity's sleek white sink pops against its counter and the tile walls. The counter provides ample space with a small footprint in the dramatic guest bathroom.

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A modern industrial vanity with black marble counter and linear chrome legs compliment elegant black tile in this polished, impressive guest bathroom.
Photo: Robert Peterson: Rustic White Photography. From: Brian Patrick Flynn.
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Dark and Dramatic Vanity

A modern industrial vanity with black marble counter and linear chrome legs compliment elegant black tile in this polished, impressive guest bathroom.

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Photo: Robert Peterson: Rustic White Photography. From: Brian Patrick Flynn.
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Modern Industrial Vanity

A modern industrial vanity with a black marble counter and linear chrome legs adds sparkly personality to this swanky guest bathroom. The globe light above the rounded vanity mirror stands out against the black mosaic tile, playing off the geometric elements found in every inch of the space.

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Photo: Robert Peterson: Rustic White Photography. From: Brian Patrick Flynn.
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Illuminating Contrast

The striking black tile provides dramatic contrast with the modern globe light above the vanity creating an elegant, urban feel.

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