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HGTV Green Home 2012: Front Yard Pictures

Although following in the form of classic Southern farmhouses, HGTV Green Home 2012 accommodates the modern family.
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The exterior facade of HGTV Green Home 2012 mirrors that of the Southern vernacular farmhouse. The classic front porch is cantilevered in this modern interpretation and windows take on added importance.

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Locally sourced sandstone is stacked to resemble a traditional farmhouse foundation. A bioswale, designed to draw rainwater away from the foundation, terminates in a rain pond in the front yard.

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The winner of the HGTV Green Home 2012 Giveaway will receive an all-new 2012 GMC® Terrain®, a crossover SUV that maximizes fuel efficiency.

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Fragrant and visually appealing gardenia shrubs flank the front steps that lead to a crushed-gravel pathway. Shade-loving species, including mahonia and abelia, find a home underneath the front porch.

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