How to Make a Pink Gothic Skull Urn for Halloween

Add a touch of dramatic elegance to your fall decor with this easy-to-make skull planter with dusty pink roses, turquoise pumpkins and billowy black florals.

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You can find similar autumn front porch urns selling for over $125. We made this pastel and pumpkin planter for about $50 with simple craft supplies and items from the dollar store.

Halloween Outdoor Planter With Skulls, Pink Roses and Turquoise Pumpkins

Halloween Outdoor Planter With Skulls, Pink Roses and Turquoise Pumpkins

Our dusty-rose and blue pumpkin planter is easy to make and it costs about half the price of buying it.

Photo by: Jessyca Williams

Jessyca Williams

Our dusty-rose and blue pumpkin planter is easy to make and it costs about half the price of buying it.

Tools and Materials

1. Prepare Pumpkins

If you want to add more sparkle to your pumpkins, lightly apply gold metallic paint using a sea sponge. When the paint is dry, push a bamboo skewer into the base of each pumpkin.

2. Prepare Skulls

Use a utility knife to cut a small hole in the bottom of each skull then insert a bamboo skewer into the hole.

3. Make the Foundation

To hold all the elements in place, insert a soil-filled container inside your decorative pot or urn. (We used an old planter where the plant had died.) You can alternately use recycled packaging materials or a cardboard box to support the floral elements. Begin by arranging the skeletons in the planter, followed by the evenly spaced pumpkins. Add the rose stems next.

4. Add Black Florals + Feathers

Hang the amaranth picks on the front and sides of the pot so they drape over the edge. Fill in all the gaps with black roses, feathers and glitter grass. Finish with black baby's breath stems to complete your Halloween centerpiece.

Don't Want to DIY? Buy It Instead.

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