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2022 Design Trend: Endless Summer is a Tropical Escape Without Leaving Home

Endless Summer features a bold, cheerful, saturated color palette that suggests year-round summertime. Juicy, radiant colors are inspired by a glowing sunrise or sunset. Inside and out, home decor will begin to look more like destination travel that will provide a mental break for homeowners.

Photo: Kris Magenheim
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Endless Summer

The Endless Summer design trend is a tropical escape where you don't have to leave the comfort of your own home. This trend features a bold, cheerful, saturated color palette that suggests year-round summertime. With the mood-enhancing benefits of sunlight, this trend encapsulates vacation vibes.

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Photo: Giselle Mays
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Juicy Color Palette

The juicy color palette for this trend is derived from shades you would see in a sunrise or sunset. Reminiscent of a hot summer day, these colors are vibrant and provide an instant mood boost.

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Photo: Mike Van Tassell. From: Swati Goorha.
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Fiery, Yet Refreshing

These bold and sunny colors are combined with cooling effects of blue, lending the mind to think of taking a dip in a swimming pool on a hot summer day.

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Photo: Robert Peterson; Rustic White Photography. From: Brian Patrick Flynn.
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Happy Hues

Designer Brian Patrick Flynn explains that this trend will encapsulate joyous hues. “Happy vibes. The washed-out neutrals with white that have dominated the design world, those have caused the pendulum to swing the other direction to embrace happy hues.”

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