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Drew Barrymore Honors Sisterhood With a Surprise Remodel

January 04, 2023
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Prepared to give back to her long-time makeup artist, Drew Barrymore partners with the Property Brothers for a sentimental home makeover.

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A Renovation to Celebrate a Fresh Start in Life

Lifelong actress Drew Barrymore makes friends everywhere she goes, but in this episode of Celebrity IOU she honors and celebrates her long-time makeup artist and bestie, Deb. Over the course of their friendship, they’ve supported each other in countless ways — most recently, through divorce and related hardships. “We were 20-something-year-old girls when we met, and now we’re women,” Drew said. “This home is something she fought for [in the divorce]. She needs a fresh start and a place where she and her son can focus on the next chapter.” Joined by Property Brothers Drew and Jonathan Scott, the self-proclaimed “Property Sister” is motivated to help her friend transform her home indoors and out.

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Transforming a Home Into a Tranquil Oasis

“You held my hand through the changes I had in my life,” Drew told Deb during the reveal. “You are the complete package.” To help Deb recover post-divorce, Drew remodeled the kitchen and main living areas of her home.

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Before: The Kitchen

Deb’s home meant a lot to her, but hardships prevented needed renovations. The kitchen was minimalist and bright but lacked counter space, storage and functionality. Deb had attempted open shelving by removing cabinet doors. Jonathan and Drew had a vision to transform the space — not only to expand storage but to enhance Deb’s ability to gather with her son Mikey and entertain friends.

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Photo: DENNYS ILIC. From: Drew Scott and Jonathan Scott.
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After: The Kitchen

The new marble-topped kitchen island is a game-changing addition that allowed the bros to keep the room's layout as it was. Shiny gold pendants illuminate the space. Mid-toned natural wood base cabinets create extra, stylish storage. The coolest part: The refrigerator and dishwasher appliances boast matching panels that blend into the new cabinetry.

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