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14 Designer Tips for a Better Night's Sleep

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We asked interior designers to give us their top tips for better sleep.

Photo: Sean Litchfield. From: Becky Shea Design.
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Dark Colors Soothe

"Don’t go too crazy with the color scheme. Go for a palette that feels soothing and tranquil, such as blues, deep greens, and blush," says Sara Malek Barney of Bandd Design. "Paint your walls a dark color, such as gray or dark blue, to give the room a calming effect and trick your mind to associate the space with a deep sleep."

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Photo: Molly Culver
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Cut the Clutter

"Add storage furniture or baskets to your room so that you can tuck away miscellaneous items and keep them tidy, since a cluttered room can cause anxiety and mess with your sleep. I recommend a storage bench for the end of your bed or a storage-friendly bedside table - decorative, yet functional," says Sara.

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Photo: Molly Culver
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Invest in the Right Bedding

"Invest in the right bedding for you," says Sara Malek Barney. "Are you a hot or cold sleeper? I’m a hot sleeper and I swear by breathable, performance sheets and linen bedding. But if you’re a cold sleeper, go for something warmer such as cotton."

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Photo: Haylei Smith
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Create a Landing Pad

Lance Thomas of Thomas Guy Interiors recommends an efficient, pared-back bedside landing pad. "My secret (accessory) weapon is a nightstand tray," says Lance. "It provides a resting place for all of my personal effects. Most importantly my phone, which I avoid touching again until the alarm goes off. I sleep better knowing that everything is in its place."

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