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How to Create a Stylish, After-School Drop Zone

When it’s time to get back to school, the whole family needs to get their act together. This stylish command center will help you do just that.

Photo: Tomas Espinoza
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Streamline Your Routine

Transform a blank wall into a command center that'll help keep everyone organized and on track by hanging clipboards, frames and cork boards to wrangle important contact information and documents. Add even more functionality with colorful hooks for keys, totes and backpacks.

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As you arrange elements like ledges, bulletin boards, and hooks, carefully consider who’ll be using it most. Keep hooks for kids’ backpacks and small coats at their height.  And if you want to control what's on the calendar, hang it high so that kids won't have easy access.
Photo: Tomas Espinoza
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User-Friendly Design

As you arrange elements like ledges, bulletin boards, and hooks, carefully consider who’ll be using it most. Keep hooks for kids’ backpacks and small coats at their height. And if you want to control what's on the calendar, hang it high so that kids won't have easy access.

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Turn a small wipe board into a piece of art with a positive message everyone will see as they start and end their day.  It’s easy to get overwhelmed with fast-paced, busy schedules, so tailor it to your family’s lifestyle, goals, and interests.
Photo: Tomas Espinoza
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Instant Messaging

Turn a small wipe board into a piece of art with a positive message everyone will see as they start and end their day. It’s easy to get overwhelmed with fast-paced, busy schedules, so tailor it to your family’s lifestyle, goals, and interests.

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Photo: Tomas Espinoza
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Get Kids Keyed Up

Getting the kiddos excited about getting back to school (and organized) can be a challenge, so involve them early on and in a creative way. These cute DIY keychains are a fun craft project that you’ll actually use. And there’s one for every skill level, which we love.

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