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Colorful Hues and Fun Patterns Give This Rowhouse Spunky Character

Playful wallpaper, a blue kitchen and dramatic living spaces, make this rowhouse a spunky place that features interesting design details around very door.

Photo: Stacy Zaring Goldberg. From: Zoe Feldman Design.
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Blue Row House Foyer

Step through the black front door and be welcomed with global-inspired designs throughout this foyer. Two wooden shelves in white flank a square mirror with gold accents just above the dark velvet sofa. Glass walls enclose a modern staircase that leads to the second floor.

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Photo: Stacy Zaring Goldberg. From: Zoe Feldman Design.
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Bohemian Style Living Room With Dark Blue Walls

A well traveled collection of decor is displayed in every corner of this dark blue bohemian-style living room. Gold picture lights shine on two matching shelves in white, both flanking a square mirror with gold accents. The dark velvet sofa is accented with animal print pillows that connect the design to the two modern armchairs in pink and white lounge chair.

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Photo: Stacy Zaring Goldberg. From: Zoe Feldman Design.
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Bohemian-Inspired Living Room Details

This dark blue bohemian-inspired living room is filled with global collections and travel inspiration. A gold picture light hovers above the fabric roman shade on the window near the white wooden shelf. Animal print fabric makes the pillows on the velvet sofa pop, paired with a salmon pink sitting chair.

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Photo: Stacy Zaring Goldberg. From: Zoe Feldman Design.
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Bohemian Foyer With Exposed Brick

Drop your bags and slip off your shoes in this comfortable, cozy foyer. Exposed brick walls give the space a warm, bohemian feeling paired with natural hardwood floors. Crown moldings above are painted dark blue and work well with the framed contemporary artwork and baby blue console table.

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