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15 Glam-on-a-Budget Cabinet Updates for Kitchens

October 04, 2016

Smart ways to redo or shop for cabinets without breaking the bank.

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Photo: Dale Lang
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1: Detail Your Doors

Age your glass doors. This homeowner worked with Seattle designer Judith Wright Sentz to create the leaded glass windows in the cupboards of this 2016 National Kitchen + Bath Association-winning kitchen, but premade glass would have the same stylish effect. For an even cheaper and simpler fix, faux stained glass craft kits and window films can be found through online retailers for under $40.

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Photo: Christina Wedge
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2: Hide Certain Components

Sometimes the key to an updated look hinges on, well, the hinges. In this Georgia lake home kitchen, designer Beth Johnson preserved the original cabinets but removed the existing exposed bronze hinges on the doors and replaced them with hidden hinges. Together with a fresh coat of paint, the wall of cabinets now has a clean, streamlined appeal.

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Photo: Terracotta Design Build. From: Terracotta Design Build.
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3: Create Symmetry

Simplifying the cabinet placement can create a polished designer look. Using pairs, like these cabinets on either side of the high-end range hood, creates rhythm, says Ili Hidalgo-Nilsson, architect and designer with Terracotta Design Build in Atlanta. This inspirational luxury kitchen also has another smart idea, to replace upper cabinet doors with glass ones to create a display space.

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Photo: Lowe's
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4: Reach a Higher Level

Top off your cabinets with molding. It can be a weekend DIY project and a way to add needed charm to basic, bland cabinets.

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