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A Timeless Before-and-After Bathroom Makeover

From: Emily Ruff

Designer Emily Ruff of Cohesively Curated designed this primary bathroom to be elegant, sophisticated and timeless. Mixing white with bronze, natural wood and browns, she creates a warm and welcoming retreat. Check out the before photos and be prepared to be amazed at the transformation.

Photo: Carina Skrobecki. From: Emily Ruff.
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Neutral Traditional Spa Bathroom With Round Table

Warm wood cabinetry wraps around the perimeter of this luxurious bathroom, providing ample storage and space to get ready for the day.

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Photo: Carina Skrobecki. From: Emily Ruff.
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Before: Dark and Cluttered Bathroom

Fixtures were outdated in this primary bathroom and the space felt dark and cramped.

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Photo: Carina Skrobecki. From: Emily Ruff.
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Neutral Spa Bathroom With Gold Sconces

Thick marble tops the vanity in this refined spa-style bathroom. Glittering gold sconces add another layer of fancy and pick up the metallic shades of the stone.

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Photo: Carina Skrobecki. From: Emily Ruff.
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Before: Brown Spa Bathroom

Before its renovation, this spa bathroom felt bland and boring.

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