A Moment In Time With Lyndsay Lamb and Leslie Davis
Lyndsay and Leslie sit down in an exclusive interview with HGTV to chat about what their lives look like post Rock the Block, post filming Unsellable Houses Season 5 and more.

Rachael Jones
Lyndsay Lamb (left) and Leslie Davis, hosts of Unsellable Houses, explore a sunflower field in Snohomish, Washington.
It’s a typical misty, moody Pacific Northwest morning in Snohomish, Washington. What’s atypical is the sun. It peeks through the clouds as twin sisters Lyndsay Lamb and Leslie Davis of HGTV’s Unsellable Houses arrive at Bob’s Corn & Pumpkin Farm — all smiles, all laughs, both balls of fiery energy despite the semi-early hour.
They’re Snohomish natives — born and raised in the quirky town one might liken to Gilmore Girls’ fictional Stars Hollow. (Just like Rory and Loreli, Lyndsay and Leslie also occasionally finish each other’s sentences.) They’ve known Bob, the owner of the farm, and his family for years and agreed to take an interview with HGTV here, because several feet away from where we stand sits their next renovation project: Bob’s family home. The remodel hasn't begun yet — it may or may not be featured on a future season of Unsellable — but the twins are abuzz. In fact, I have a hard time pulling them away from the lively conversation they're having with Bob and his wife. Grant, Bob's right-hand man on the farm, notices my attempts and suggests we all head down to the sunflower field for the interview.

Rachael Jones
An early-morning view of the sunflower field at Bob's Corn & Pumpkin Farm.
In Conversation With Lyndsay and Leslie
Season 5 of Unsellable Houses is currently airing on HGTV — Wednesday nights at 8|7c through Nov. 27 — so the comparison is easy to make: In real life, Lyndsay and Leslie are exactly as they seem on television. During our interview they are sassy, funny, intense and lovely.
It’s clear an unwavering commitment to their craft is the secret ingredient to the real estate and interior design empire the twins have built. They are women on the go; quick moving, quick thinking and elite multitaskers. Right before the interview, Leslie takes a quick phone call while Lyndsay stays engaged in conversation. Several minutes later, they switch. Leslie maintains the conversation, while Lyndsay sends a voice note to a client. Leslie hands me her phone to hold during the video portion of our chat. For the next hour, it buzzes with incoming calls and texts almost non-stop in my pocket.
The hard work never stops, it seems, but Lyndsay and Leslie do take moments to slow down and enjoy life as it is right now. Which is good, because for these two, life right now is pretty sweet. The duo is coming off a Rock the Block win; the fifth season of their show is airing on HGTV; Lyndsay’s son Miles Lamb recently joined Lamb and Co.; and Lyndsay will soon be welcoming a daughter-in-law into her family.
HGTV: We’re here at Bob’s Corn & Pumpkin Farm to check out the site of a project you’ll soon be working on for Bob. Tell us more about what you’ll be doing and how long this project has been in the works.
Leslie: We love coming to Bob’s because it’s beautiful, it’s quiet, it’s peaceful. It’s one of the staples of Snohomish. Growing up we brought our kids here. Now we get to, full circle, come back and help Bob and his wife Sarah remodel their farmhouse that's been here for generations.

Rachael Jones
Bob's farmhouse has been home to his family for generations.
Lyndsay: Bob, his wife Sarah and daughters live in this house along with Bob’s mom. It’s a house that sits right in the middle of the farm. Everyone knows this house. We're going to be updating it, but also keeping a lot of the existing character of the original farmhouse ... A lot will go into it. It will be a project for at least four months.
Leslie: And keeping all of the farmhouse feel in the home for Bob's mom. She's still living in the home she raised Bob in and is enjoying it with the next generation.
HGTV: Might this renovation be featured on a future season of Unsellable?
Leslie: I think our viewers would love to watch this type of project.
On Winning Rock the Block
HGTV: You both pulled off an incredible redemption win during Rock the Block Season 5 after losing to Egypt and Mike in Season 3. How did that feel? Has anything changed for you professionally since your Rock the Block win?
Leslie: We still don’t totally grasp that we won, or that we put ourselves through that experience on purpose.
Lyndsay: It still feels surreal.
Leslie: Doesn’t it still feel like that was either a billion years ago or a dream?
Lyndsay: Yeah.
Leslie: Although, it wasn’t.
Lyndsay: No.
Leslie: It was so much work. We were so proud of ourselves, but I don’t know if we’ve ever been that exhausted.
Lyndsay: Never in my life. [Even after] having a newborn child with no drugs, I was not that tired.
Leslie: Rock the Block hands down was the most exhausting thing I’ve ever done in my life. Nothing compares.
Lyndsay: The second time around — now the first time feels like nothing.
Leslie: It’s like having a child. You forget ... and then you’re like, ‘Why did I do this again?’” I have three children. I will not have three Rock the Blocks. Mark my words.
Lyndsay: She said that about the second one too.
HGTV: When you’re filming Rock the Block or when you’re in a high-pressure work situation, how do you two work together?
Lyndsay: We work really well when it’s just us. When you involve other people, there can be some bickering, but for Rock the Block it was mainly Leslie and I making the decisions. It’s interesting watching couples.
Leslie: There’s definitely more bickering in romantic relationships during Rock the Block than siblings — at least from our experience.
Lyndsay: We’ve been together for 43 years though, and without sounding weird, we are like a couple.
Leslie: We communicate really well, but we also know how to push each others’ buttons.
Lyndsay: I think because we get to go back and sleep in different beds ... we get our space.
HGTV: Has anything changed for you since winning Rock the Block?
Leslie: Nothing has changed. We try to stay grounded in who we are in Snohomish. We’re moms, business owners ... regular people who just happen to be on television. When that chapter of our lives is over, we’re still going to be moms in Snohomish, doing Snohomish stuff.
On Season 5 of Unsellable Houses
HGTV: How has Unsellable evolved since Season 1? How have you two evolved?
Leslie: It’s been six years.
Lyndsay: You grow naturally.

Brandon McGahuey
Leslie (left) and Lyndsay filming Season 2 of Unsellable Houses.
Leslie: My kids are older, my priorities are different, my focus is different.
Lyndsay: Thank God your styles changed.
Leslie: I knew she was going to say that.
Lyndsay: I’m sorry, sometimes I look back at the things we’ve worn —
Leslie: It’s not 'us' ... you don’t need to say ‘us.’ She’s referring to me. If I had it my way, I’d be sitting here right now in jeans and a T-shirt with a baseball hat.
Lyndsay: I dressed her this morning.
Leslie: So yes, that’s how we evolved, just to be clear. [twins laugh] ... But Unsellable has evolved because we’ve brought a lot of the process in-house, and our volume has quadrupled.
Lyndsay: Our investments have gotten way bigger. We were doing our investment model prior to the show, but [the investments] were smaller. Now, with everyone in house, we control processes and timelines to make sure we’re not missing deadlines for clients or the show.
HGTV: What was your favorite part about filming Season 5?
Leslie: Every season is different. For me [this season], I loved our clients. Like the McDaniels. They are Mr. And Mrs. Snohomish ... everybody knows them. Being able to work with people like that in our community ... it was just so much fun.
On Miles’ Recent Life Changes
HGTV: Lyndsay, your son Miles (Lamb) recently joined Lamb and Co. as a real estate agent. How does it feel to have him as part of your professional team? Has he always wanted to join the business?
Lyndsay and Miles
Lyndsay: When Miles was in high school, he told us he wanted to join real estate. [At that time] he was working for the business doing deliveries — all of our boys have.
Lyndsay and Leslie: [in unison] We call them our minions.
Lyndsay: They’re our minions. That’s their official title.
Leslie: Right now, [my son] Cash (Davis) is our delivery boy, because he’s 16, but Kyler (Davis) and Miles were both minions from [ages] 15 through high school.
Lyndsay: They do everything from taking care of the warehouse, cleaning, deliveries, doing dump runs to building shelves, desks, all of it. Miles was doing that in high school and said he wanted to get into real estate, and we told him he’d have to start in the warehouse and work his way up — which includes [handling] online shipments, renovation deliveries, managing the staging inventory ... we made him go through every department of the business so once he became an agent he’d understand it all.
Leslie: And then you appreciate the people who support you, because our agents can’t do what they do without marketing, staging, the transaction coordinators, etc.
Lyndsay: He did that for about a year. And then Les decided, because she oversees our real estate, that he was ready, so we let him get into real estate.
Leslie: We did.
Lyndsay: A year ago.
Leslie: He’s doing phenomenal.
Lyndsay: Leslie trained him. I try to stay out of it because I can be a little like, “Oh, you’re doing great. Oh, you’re okay.”
Leslie: And I’m like, “Nope! That’s not how we do it. Go back and do it again.”
Lyndsay: But we did make that mistake in the beginning.
Leslie: We did, but he doesn’t have to make it because he’s seen us do it.
Lyndsay: So, Leslie is raising a very bad*** agent, but sometimes —
Leslie: Guys, she wants to pack his lunch! He doesn’t even live in the house. “I’m like, ‘If he needs lunch, Lyndsay, he can buy lunch. He makes his own money. Let him be.’"
Lyndsay: He’s still my baby ... and he’s doing phenomenal.
Leslie: We all get it, Lyndsay. He’s incredible.
Lyndsay: And you did a great job with him.

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From left to right: Leslie, Miles and Lyndsay
HGTV: Miles recently got engaged to his high school sweetheart. Lyndsay, you and your husband (Justin Lamb) are also high school sweethearts. Did you ever think Miles would follow in your footsteps?
Lyndsay: Miles is very decisive, so if he decides he’s going to do something, done. He started dating Jenna in high school, and if he didn’t see it going towards marriage, he wouldn’t have dated her. He dated other girls and after a couple months didn’t see it going long term — whereas most high school kids were dating for fun. I think because of his past [being sick] and going through treatments, he grew up fast.
Leslie: He’s very mature.
Lyndsay: So, it doesn’t surprise me that he found that person early. Justin and I were the same and Miles always admired that. It never really clicked for me, but once he started pursuing Jenna it made sense.

Miles proposed to his highschool sweetheart Jenna in August of 2024.
Leslie: And you guys love Jenna.
Lyndsay: We love Jenna.
Leslie: Perfect fit. Lyndsay and Jenna go and get their nails done.
Lyndsay: Now I have someone to shop with.
On Right Now
HGTV: A lot has happened in the last year. What is the biggest change you’re facing in the coming one?
Lyndsay: In the last two years, Leslie and I have decided to start two new businesses. We opened our design firm and our renovation company. Both have been insanely successful. Filming while trying to build and oversee the growth of these two businesses has been a lot of work. Les has taken over renovation, and I’m overseeing design. I want to put all my hours into the design company, but I also have to continue to think about the strategy around the storefront and the overall vision of our company. For Leslie, she has renovation, but she also has to think about real estate and how the two interact. There are so many pieces to what we do daily. If we have a struggle, it’s figuring out where we’re dividing our time to make sure everything is getting enough of us.

Rachael Jones
"We’re moms, business owners ... regular people who just happen to be on television. When that chapter of our lives is over, we’re still going to be moms in Snohomish, doing Snohomish stuff."
HGTV: Favorite moment from the past year?
Leslie: When we found out we won Rock the Block and called our mom. That was a pure authentic moment for us. We’re 43-year-old women, and all we wanted to do in that moment was pick up the phone and call our mom.
Catch Lyndsay and Leslie on HGTV's Unsellable Houses — airing Wednesday nights at 8|7c through Nov. 27 and streaming on Max and discovery+.