3 Eggs-Perimental Easter Egg Decorating Ideas

Step up your science game with these three clever Easter egg decorating ideas that put the "eggs" in eggs-periment.

Easter Egg Experiments
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Show: HGTV Happy

We’ve sprung our clocks forward and planted our favorite blooms, which can only mean one thing: Easter is just around the corner! This year, skip the traditional egg dyeing and get eggs-perimental instead. These three out-of-the-box approaches to egg decorating are sure to wow your little scientist, and there’s a good chance you’re going to love them too.

Fun-Tastic Fizzy Eggs

Photo by: Cassidy Garcia

Cassidy Garcia

Materials Needed

  • eggs
  • water
  • baking soda
  • food coloring
  • white vinegar
  • cups
  • measuring spoons
  • squeeze bottle
  • stirring spoon
  • rubber gloves
  • watercolor paintbrush
  • plate
  • paper towels

While a standard dyed egg is pretty enough, these fizzy eggs are absolutely gorgeous and oh-so-fun to make. By combining acidic vinegar and basic baking soda, you can create a fizzy watercolor effect that is sure to up your egg dyeing game. Start by mixing 2 tablespoons of baking soda with 3 teaspoons of water and a few drops of your desired food coloring, then stir (Images 1-4). Repeat with as many colors as you like.

Once fully incorporated and thick, don a pair of rubber gloves and use small watercolor paintbrushes to paint the eggs with the colorful solutions (Image 1). You can stick to solid colors, or create a colorful rainbow effect with multiple hues. To add a few bolder details, sprinkle drops of food coloring directly on the painted eggs. Once you’re satisfied with your colors, pour vinegar on the egg (Image 2). The vinegar will make the paint and food coloring run and cause a fizzy reaction with the baking soda in the paint, resulting in a beautiful, fizzy finish. Once complete, simply blot the excess vinegar off the eggs and place them in a safe spot to dry (Images 3 & 4).

Salt-Paint Eggs

Photo by: Cassidy Garcia

Cassidy Garcia

Materials Needed

  • table salt
  • watercolor paint set

Maybe you’ve heard of salt painting, but have you heard of salt-paint eggs? This fun art project is the perfect Easter afternoon craft, plus, no eggs are harmed in the making of these salt-paint eggs. To begin, print out the provided egg templates and place them on a protected crafting surface. Using school glue, trace the lines on the templates, then sprinkle table salt on the glue, and shake off the excess (Images 1-3). There’s no need to wait for the glue to dry, so go ahead and start painting. Watercolor paint is the perfect way to get the salt-paint look. Simply dab the salty areas of the egg with different colors of paint and watch as the salt spreads the paint and creates beautiful intertwined colors (Images 4 & 5).

Gorgeous Geode Eggs

Photo by: Cassidy Garcia

Cassidy Garcia

Materials Needed

  • eggshells
  • alum powder
  • boiling water
  • food coloring
  • mixing cup
  • school glue
  • small paintbrush
  • spoon
  • whisk

This final Easter egg craft is the most eggs-perimental of all! To create jaw-dropping geode eggs, you first need a few broken eggshells. Wash and air-dry your shells from breakfast, or simply crack a few eggs and store them in a container in the refrigerator for consumption within the next two days. Once the cracked eggshells are dried, use a small paintbrush to coat the insides with school glue, then sprinkle a thick coating of alum powder on the glue, making sure to coat the edges (Image 1). Set the eggshells aside to dry (Image 2).

Next, mix 2 cups of boiling water with 3/4 cup of alum powder and a few drops of your desired food coloring, then stir to combine (Images 1-3). Let the solution cool for 30 minutes, then carefully drop the alum-coated eggshells into the mixture. Leave the eggshells to soak 12 hours or overnight, then carefully remove using a spoon to reveal your amazing crystallized creations (Images 4-5).

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