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35 Biggest Decorating Mistakes and Solutions

We've enlisted today's hottest interior designers to count down the 35 top decorating mistakes and included their style-saving solutions.

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Photo: Shutterstock/Ingrid Balabanova
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Mistake: A Cluttered Kitchen

The kitchen is truly the heart of most homes and the hub of family activity but all this activity can really cramp your kitchen's style. Piles of dirty dishes and countertops crowded with small appliances aren't appealing.

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Photo: Jennifer Hughes; Design By: Elizabeth Lawson, Elizabeth Lawson Design. From: Elizabeth Lawson.
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Solution: Minimize the Mess

Stay on top of dirty dishes by teaching your family to always clean up immediately after meals. Also, limit the number of appliances and tchotchkes you allow to pile up on the countertop. A potted plant or a vase of flowers are all you need to add a little color and life.

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Photo: Shutterstock/Africa Studio
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Mistake: Going to the Dark Side

Too few lamps or overhead sources of light can make even the coziest living room feel cramped and downright creepy.

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Photo: Becky Kimball Photography. From: House of Jade Interiors.
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Solution: Light It Up

A lot of life happens in your living room. Add multiple types of lighting, like table lamps, overhead lighting and floor lamps to ensure ample illumination for tasks like reading.

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