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Captivating Curb Appeal Designs

February 10, 2022

Check out these homes with extraordinary curb appeal that will have you falling in love at first sight.

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Photo: Marrion Brenner. From: Zeterre Landscape Architecture.

Home with Two Round Gates and Fence

This large home features two eye-catching gates, both rounded and made of wood. The gate leading to the backyard is lined with white stone for added brightness.

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Photo: Marrion Brenner. From: Zeterre Landscape Architecture.

Zen Front Yard Landscaping

This home's lawn is comprised of small round plants to add to the zen atmosphere before even entering the home.

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Photo: Marrion Brenner. From: Zeterre Landscape Architecture.

Walkway Lined with Plants Leading to Entryway

Trees and various plants line the walkway leading to this large home's entryway.

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Photo: Marrion Brenner. From: Zeterre Landscape Architecture.

Round Gate Leading to Home's Backyard

This home features brick, stone and wooden accents that combine to make a unique feel.

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