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10 Extreme Tiny Homes

From Airstreams to cabins, see how these homeowners live comfortably in these gorgeous tiny homes. These spaces prove small can still be chic and show how to create an effective, space-saving design.

Photo: Shelsi Lindquist. From: Tiny Heirloom.
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Modern and Mobile

This modern tiny house features a blue metal and natural wood exterior siding, custom windows and a modern front door. Since this home can be towed, home is wherever you desire.

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Photo: Shelsi Lindquist. From: Tiny Heirloom.
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Combined Kitchen + Dining

This home features and open-concept galley kitchen and living space with rustic, reclaimed wood walls and retractable door. The kitchen and dining area are combined in an effort to save space.

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Photo: Shelsi Lindquist. From: Tiny Heirloom.
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Luxurious Tiny Bathroom

This tiny house bathroom features all the modern luxuries you would expect in a large, single family home. With a walk-in shower, large sink and laundry area, designers made sure nothing was forgotten.

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Photo: Shelsi Lindquist. From: Tiny Heirloom.
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Lovely Loft Bedroom

This loft bedroom allows for a small amount of privacy away from the downstairs, and even has room for a queen-sized bed.

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